Gunstock Repair and Refinishing
The cost of labor has risen dramatically over the past ten years. A complete restock can be prohibitively expensive. Costs can easily far exceed the market value of the work. This is especially true with older double guns; box lock and side lock; as well as over/under...
Gun Maintenance
Many gunowners are not aware of the detailed service their firearms require. The fact of the matter is that firearms, properly maintained,rarely wear out.The guns you rely upon today can and should be available to your grandchildren to enjoy. Even firearms that see...
Metal Refinishing (Gun bluing)
The cost of quality re-blue work is not in the application of finish, but in the preparation. We do not polish with hi-speed buffing wheels. We do the majority of surface preparation by hand, or by lathe polish. All surfaces remain true, round or flat. All lines...
General Services
Detailed Cleaning and Inspection Diagnosis and Repair – All Makes and Models Sight Installation Drill and Tap Scope Mounts/Iron Sights Custom Handgun Scope Mounts Trigger Rework Rifle/Shotgun/Handgun Remanufacture/Manufacture of Antique and Obsolete Parts Rifle:...
Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF
Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF. Received badly machine polished – all lines seriously rounded, finger lever collapsed, upper tang broken, buttstock and forend over-sanded beyond repair. Repair tang and finger lever, restore all surfaced and lines, restore all...
Winchester 1886 in .50 Express
Winchester 1886 in .50 Express. Restoration in progress. Swift River extra fancy re-stock. Barrel provided by...
Pair of Winchester receivers
Pair of Winchester receivers showing excellent results achieved by surface grinding, file and stone work in repairing extensive surface pitting. Engraver to restore all original numbers and...
Early Uberti – L.A. Distributors .45LC
Early Uberti – L.A. Distributors .45 LC Swift River barrel – Stag grips by Paul Nazar – Louisiana Complete coil spring conversion except mainspring which is appropriately reduced. “Bisley” style spur added. All hand prepped – semi...