(413) 213-0578 - CALLS ONLY - NO TEXT

Welcome to Swift River Gunworks

Swift River Gunworks is a full service gunsmith including custom metal work, stock repair, refinishing, custom services, general repair and more. Specialists in service, repair and modification of Mauser 98 Military Rifles.

Swift River Gunworks has three decades of experience in servicing rare, collectible, antique, complex, obsolete,and special interest firearms both foreign and domestic.

We are always prepared to invest the required time, care and attention to detail these guns require.

Complex stock repair is one of our specialties.  Swift River Gunworks provides detailed, proper cleaning. repair and return to service when applicable.  Re-blue service when needed or requested (always hand prep) and complete restorations.

Please contact us by phone first (413) 213-0578 in order that we may discuss the work in detail without extensive trading of email.  See our complete contact info on the contact page.

Please be advised that we have no control over shipping and insurance costs. Type of shipping and insurance value, as well as total return shipping cost to be assumed by the customer.  Read more on the shipping page.

Estimates are just that – estimates.  Just the same, we cannot provide estimates on cost and turnover without the work “on the bench” to examine thoroughly.  Photographs and verbal or written descriptions are not adequate. To accurately estimate we need to see the work.

We look forward to hearing from you. Swift River Gunworks always stays in touch with each customer throughout the job. We do not make important decisions without consulting you. We do not spend your money without your permission.

D.F. Everett – Gunsmith – Swift River Gunworks

Providing Expert Gunsmith Services since 1984

We are the one stop for all your gun repair needs. No need to ship your gun from gunsmith to gunsmith for special services.  We provide all gunsmith services.  Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Full service gunsmith – Expert gun repair

We are a full service gunsmith shop specializing in the repair and reconditioning of broken, damaged or incomplete firearms.

Latest Posts

General Services

General Services

Detailed Cleaning and Inspection Diagnosis and Repair – All Makes and Models Sight Installation Drill and Tap Scope Mounts/Iron Sights Custom Handgun Scope Mounts Trigger Rework Rifle/Shotgun/Handgun Remanufacture/Manufacture of Antique and Obsolete Parts Rifle:...

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Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF. Received badly machine polished - all lines seriously rounded, finger lever collapsed, upper tang broken, buttstock and forend over-sanded beyond repair. Repair tang and finger lever, restore all surfaced and lines, restore all...

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Pair of Winchester receivers

Pair of Winchester receivers

Pair of Winchester receivers showing excellent results achieved by surface grinding, file and stone work in repairing extensive surface pitting.  Engraver to restore all original numbers and markings.

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Our Services

Gunsmith Services and Gun Repair

Swift River Gunworks provides all the gunsmith services you need.  Full service gunsmith serving Western Massachusetts.

Gunstock Repair and Refinishing

We have enjoyed great success in gun stock repair. Our repairs are structurally solid, esthetically proper and affordable.

Gun Maintenance

It’s important to perform regular maintenance on a firearm.  Call today to have your firearm professionally cleaned and maintained.

Metal Refinishing

The cost of quality re-blue work is not in the application of finish, but in the preparation. We do not polish with hi-speed buffing wheels. We do the majority of surface preparation by hand, or by lathe polish.

Thank you for your support!

Support the 2nd Amendment – get a bumper sticker!

Support Swift River Gunworks and the 2nd Amendment – get a bumper sticker!

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Mauser 98 Military Rifles

Swift River Gunworks specializes in the service, repair and modification of Mauser 98 Military Rifles.

Mauser 98 Rifles For Sale – FFL REQUIRED

Our work

Remington Rolling Block in .45-90

Remington Rolling Block in .45-90

Remington Rolling Block in .45-90 Swift River Built on .43 Egyptian. McGowen premium target grade barrel-1 in 22 Supreme re-stock Hamer and block modified for 2.4" case Vernier sight - Globe front Built for T.Whitney of Warren, MA. Consistent winner - very accurate...

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Original 98 Mausers for sale - FFL REQUIRED - View Inventory here or call for details