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Ruger #3 in .45-120-3 1/4 sharps

Ruger #3 in .45-120-3 1/4 sharps My personal rifle - scoped for load development McGowen premium target grade barrel, 1 in 22 Extra fancy buttstock and forend. Keplinger set trigger Nice rifle

Remington Rolling Block in .45-90

Remington Rolling Block in .45-90 Swift River Built on .43 Egyptian. McGowen premium target grade barrel-1 in 22 Supreme re-stock Hamer and block modified for 2.4" case Vernier sight - Globe front Built for T.Whitney of Warren, MA. Consistent winner - very accurate...

Versailles Treaty 98 – 30/06 Swift River Restoration

Versailles Treaty 98 - 30/06 Swift River Restoration
Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF. Received badly machine polished - all lines seriously rounded, finger lever collapsed, upper tang broken, buttstock and forend over-sanded beyond repair. Repair tang and finger lever, restore all surfaced and lines, restore all...

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Pair of Winchester receivers

Pair of Winchester receivers

Pair of Winchester receivers showing excellent results achieved by surface grinding, file and stone work in repairing extensive surface pitting.  Engraver to restore all original numbers and markings.

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Early Uberti – L.A. Distributors .45LC

Early Uberti – L.A. Distributors .45LC

Early Uberti - L.A. Distributors .45 LC Swift River barrel - Stag grips by Paul Nazar - Louisiana Complete coil spring conversion except mainspring which is appropriately reduced.  "Bisley" style spur added. All hand prepped - semi gloss blue Extraordinarly smooth and...

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Swift River Custom 1894 in .30WCF

Swift River Custom 1894 in .30WCF

Swift River Custom 1894 in .30WCF Action rebuilt-straight octagon machine from 1.125 blank Stocked extra fancy Excellent shooter Assisted by:  Domingos Joaquim - Engraver - Russell, MA.

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Ruger #3 in .45-120-3 1/4 sharps

Ruger #3 in .45-120-3 1/4 sharps

Ruger #3 in .45-120-3 1/4 sharps My personal rifle - scoped for load development McGowen premium target grade barrel, 1 in 22 Extra fancy buttstock and forend. Keplinger set trigger Nice rifle

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Marlin-Ballard 32-40 Bull Target

Marlin-Ballard 32-40 Bull Target

Marlin-Ballard 32-40 Bull Target In process Rebuild action-convert to center fire Fit barrel provided - Mount Redfield 3200 scope - Manufacture target forend Case prep began with preliminary file and stone work

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Original 98 Mausers for sale - FFL REQUIRED - View Inventory here or call for details