(413) 213-0578 - CALLS ONLY - NO TEXT

The cost of quality re-blue work is not in the application of finish, but in the preparation. We do not polish with hi-speed buffing wheels. We do the majority of surface preparation by hand, or by lathe polish. All surfaces remain true, round or flat. All lines remain clean and sharp. All serial #’s, roll stampings, proof marks and engraving also remain clean and sharp.
NOTE: Our engraver can restore any roll stampings , engraving etc. damaged previously by high speed polishing. We can also provide any engraving service you may require.

* Each refinish job is unique and requires a thorough examination before we quote a price. Our work is not the least expensive. There are outfits that will reblue a firearm for very little cost. Remember: You get what you pay for.

We use the same bluing salts once used by Springfield Armory: Heat Bath Nickle Pentrate. These salts provide a rich black color, deep penetration and amazing durability.

Surfaces can be fine glass bead satin; satin card (duplicates older surface texture, such as old Remington blue) and polished to 240, 400, or 555 grit mirror polish.

Other finishes we can offer; Parkerize (gray or black), Teflon coat (satin), Nickle plate, Hard chrome, Black chrome. We also can restore stainless steel, satin bead or, brushed.

There are finishes that we cannot apply in house. State and Federal EPA regulations being the primary cause. We will Warranty 100% all services provided by our trusted sub-contractors.

We have had a very sound working relationship with a number of gun dealers and retail stores over the past 15 years. We all stand behind any work we do.

Please remember that we cannot quote cost without a thorough examination. We need to SEE the work.

Original 98 Mausers for sale - FFL REQUIRED - View Inventory here or call for details