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1908 Brazilian 7 X57 Mauser long rifle

1908 Brazilian 7 X57 Mauser long rifle

1908 Brazilian 7 X57 Mauser long rifle properly reconditioned.29″ barrel excellent bore.. Notice fiddleback in stock. Fitted with high center mount and 8X reproduction sniper scope with 3 point reticle.
Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF

Early Winchester 1894 cal. 30WCF. Received badly machine polished – all lines seriously rounded, finger lever collapsed, upper tang broken, buttstock and forend over-sanded beyond repair. Repair tang and finger lever, restore all surfaced and lines, restore all...

Original 98 Mausers for sale - FFL REQUIRED - View Inventory here or call for details